Saturday, April 18, 2009

We're baaaack...

Subject: Return from Exile
Date: April 18, 2009 8:53:25 PM GMT-04:00

The moldy infiltrators have been overthrown and evicted. The rightful rulers have returned from exile. Unfortunately the ants have shown up to welcome us back, but... we're focusing on the happy! Antsmushing contest!

The cosmetic work is not quite done but we are spending our first night back in our own beds. Provided we can remember who slept where.

We are so thankful to everyone who prayed for us during the "mold crisis" and happily report nothing was airborne and we are mold free. We gained a "newish" bathroom and "walk-in" closet of sorts. New windows and a freshly painted exterior are expected by mid-May.

The kids are making comments on how strange it to "live" here and are anxious to sleep in their own beds tonight. I'm still unpacking and wondering what kind of magic I must have previously used to fit all this stuff into our small closets and dressers. And we have thrown out, recycled or thrift stored car loads.

Reporting from (back) under the bridge -
JKXY - Trolls in Residence

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